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October 2020

Robin Friend Cover photograph by Robin Friend.

A Divided Nation

The growing gulf between Canada’s digital haves and have-nots

Kyle Wyatt

This Story Is Mine

Why I’m finally telling it

Cecily Ross

The Prognosis

Looking the consequences in the eye

David Cayley

At What Price?

The costs of an unfolding drama

Alex Himelfarb

Lesson Plans

Adventures in rhyme with a boy of nine

Katherine Ashenburg


Meanwhile, down below

Sarah Wylie Krotz

Shifting Gears

Toward a car-free future

Chad Kohalyk

A Noble Departure

The lost art of standing down

Scott Griffin

Thank You, Next

The Conservatives’ commitment problem

Joe Martin

A Whole Different Animal

Transforming our food systems

Jennifer O'Connor

A Farewell to Arms

Where did all the junk go?

J. L. Granatstein

Pier Review

Canada’s gateway by the sea

Matthew Lombardi

Death Becomes Us

On the universal experience

Kevin Keystone

Dear Prudence

A life of exuberance and eccentricity

Liam Lacey

Quiz Master

And now, here is the host of Jeopardy!

Peter Mansbridge

Personal Battlegrounds

The enigma of Timothy Findley

Keith Garebian

The Quiet Canadian

Fictional encounters with Leonard Cohen

Tom Jokinen

Found in Translation

The gender politics of South Korea

Sheima Benembarek


Lisa Robertson’s first novel

Bardia Sinaee

Bricks without Straw

Toward a sureness of hand

Pablo Strauss