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September 2020

Kara Pyle Cover illustration by Kara Pyle.

What’s in a Name?

The divisiveness of public commemoration

Kyle Wyatt

The Passport

New-found meaning behind that slim and elegant booklet

Stephen Marche


Here is a coast and here is a harbour

Jean McNeil

Virtual Realities

Putting technology to the test

Paul W. Bennett

School Daze

A teenager’s view from lockdown

Abi Morum

The Western Front

Speaking unspoken truths

Zalika Reid-Benta

Lend Me Your Ear

In defence of public libraries

Stephen Abram

All the Kremlin’s Men

On seventy-five years of Russian interference

Joyce Wayne

Language Barrier

The life of a conspiracy theory

Richard Moon

Comeau Speaks

Insights from inside the FLQ

Graham Fraser

Sticky Situationists

On the origins of the modern spectacle

Nathaniel Weiner

The Mess

Deconstructing the institutional food menu

Sarah E. Tracy

Book Club

A lifetime of publishing in London

Anna Porter

Draw a Bath

The architecture of where we wash

Kelvin Browne

Ink Stained

Reflections on newsrooms past

John Allemang

Big Questions

And Gideon said unto him

John Fraser

The Ashes

A season of loss

Mark Kingwell

A Sultan’s Education

Babe Ruth before pinstripes

Michael Taube

Crossed Histories

A collection from Kaie Kellough

Amanda Perry

My Tour of Nowhere

I’ve still not seen my books in a bookstore

John Elizabeth Stintzi