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Moira MacDougall Cover poetry adapted from Vanishing Acts, by Moira MacDougall.

Mapping What Ails Us

Intimidation and lies just spread

Kyle Wyatt

The Ancient Port

And there was a mighty tempest

Spencer Morrison

Visions of a Crisis

Difficult days in Ecuador

Kimberley Brown

Through the Fog

Turning to Rebecca Solnit in times of trouble

Geoff Martin

Until We Meet Again

A journey there and back

Rose Hendrie

Alone Time

A nation in isolation

Mark Kingwell

Food for Thought

Eight billion mouths and counting

Viviane Fairbank

Balance the Books

The case for Canadian publishing

Victor Rabinovitch

Zoom with a View

The inner lives of co-workers

Eric Johnson

The Long Change

Hockey’s unassuming hero

Jeff Costen

Man of the Miramichi

A new collection by David Adams Richards

Keith Garebian

Coming Home to Roost

The cracks in everyday lives

Kelli Deeth


Was the world ready for a book like this?

Kelly S. Thompson