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From the archives

Puppeteering and Electioneering

A look back on the 2021 campaign

The Human Factor

At the beginning of Canada’s oldest company

Sense of an Ending

Whether that nation can long endure

Back Issues

January | February 2022

Illustration by Sandi Falconer.

Those Lessons Many

All that we pick up in person

Kyle Wyatt

This Dear Green Place

Our latest last best hope

Graeme Young

Among the Thorns

What grows in the Sunshine Province

Amanda Perry

To Serve and Reflect

This matter really strikes much deeper

Ryan Thorpe

Pain and Strong Endeavours

Allies against the war on drugs

Viviane Fairbank

That Ever Governed Frenzy

Through the eyes of Jody Wilson-Raybould and Michael Wernick

Jeffrey Simpson

Aprons and Axes

Blazing trails through Vanderhoof

Geoff Martin

Muslims and the Media

A uniquely shameful chapter

Haroon Siddiqui

Slivers of Light

Michael Ignatieff ’s new book

J.R. Patterson

Building Worlds

With the Cundill Prize finalists

Christopher Moore

Acts of Union

Power to the teachers

John Baglow

And the Waters Increased

November in the Fraser Valley

Heather Ramsay

So Here We Are

Saying goodbye to Morris

Jules Lewis

Variations on a Theme Park

Randy Boyagoda sends Prin packing

Aaron Kreuter

Boys Meet World

Two takes on childhood innocence

Bardia Sinaee

Here There Be Monsters

When falsehood can look so like the truth

J.R. McConvey

In the Boreal Wilds

A translation of Audrée Wilhelmy

Rose Hendrie

Exhibit B

Breaking down the building blocks

Catherine L. Evans