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October 2022

"The Race to the Top?" by David Parkins.

Rumour Has It

A healthy correspondence

Kyle Wyatt

Art and Letters

A. Y. Jackson’s early years

Laura Brandon

Sentence Structure

Views from the inside

Amy Reiswig

The Medical Corps

At the juncture of two oaths

Adam Chapnick


The language of silent things

Marlo Alexandra Burks

To Lüneburg

An author’s long path

Joyce Wayne

Whims and Longings

In the vicinity of that folio

Jessica Duffin Wolfe

Me, My Shelf, and I

An account of empty boxes

Mark Kingwell


In search of good company

Kenzie Burchell

Wanted Dead or Alive

Why the Western endures

Bob Armstrong

Remembering Mavis

When she looked out the window

Gregory Shupak

Long Story Short

Two novellas make the case

J.R. McConvey

Codex Asado

Those most nourishing ideas

Luciana Erregue-Sacchi