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From the archives

Copy Cats

A little from column A, a little from column B

Two Other Solitudes

The India-Canada relationship has taken a long time to develop

Liberal Interpretations

Making sense of Justin Trudeau and his party

Back Issues

September 2021

Illustration by Katty Maurey.

Down the Road

The challenge of changing gears

Kyle Wyatt

Second Opinion

Just what did the doctor order?

Viviane Fairbank

A More Civil Service

Fear not your government

Alex Himelfarb

Long Arms

Extending the executive’s reach

George Anderson

At the Crossroads

The rest is still unwritten

Chris Alexander

Think Big

Five changes that made us

Andre Schmid

Greener Grass

Can’t argue with chronic success

Matthew J. Bellamy

Too Soon?

Share words, not germs

Amanda Perry

The Art of Losing

The archeology of two lives

Graham Fraser

No Thank You

Once upon a Canadian dream

Gayatri Kumar

A Life Revisited

George Manuel’s light

Hamar Foster

Art Lovers

A picture of a marriage

Kelvin Browne

In the Human Frame

Memories of the baffled king

Jessica Duffin Wolfe

The Director

How his tradition got started

Keith Garebian

Scrolling in the Deep

Under the influence of influencers

Ella Austin

All the Feels

Keeping up with the emoji

Kevin Keystone

In the Telling

The voices in our heads

Emily Urquhart

In the Grey Light

Illustrating a modern classic

Michael Doyle

Poetry She Wrote

A new novel by Kathleen Winter

Brett Josef Grubisic

Little Woman

The latest from Miriam Toews

Myra Bloom


A question of faith

Omar Mouallem