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April 2021

Illustration by Nathalie Dion, from The Big Bad Wolf in My House, written by Valérie Fontaine.

The Roundup

On Canada's literary landscape

Kyle Wyatt

Not Safe for Work?

Huawei in the crosshairs

Geoff White

There Shall Be a Sitting

Canada’s forty-third vote

Graham Fraser

Historical Friction

On the teaching of yesteryear

Patrice Dutil

Sheets Cost Too Much

An account of hooded figures

David MacKenzie

Blowing Changes

Life lessons from the jazz club

Jamieson Findlay

Material Concern

In a world that’s all mixed up

Nicholas Griffin

Decidedly Disconnected

Three months in a monastery

Chad Kohalyk

Agent Zero

Her tale of delusion

Charlotte Gray

This Lenten Season

Where they were all alone

Kelvin Browne

That Nightly Hoots and Wonders

Listening to the natural world

Tom Jokinen

French Fold

All the snowbird news that’s fit to print

Amanda Perry

Composite Sketches

Two tales of true crime

Basil Guinane

The Wrong Lake

What really happened to the prospectors?

Laura Robinson

I Must Confess

Zsuzsi Gartner’s debut novel

Aaron Kreuter

Significant Others

An impressive collection by Jack Wang

David Staines

A Hopeful Reckoning

In search of long-term solutions

Moira Welsh