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November 2022

"Fits for a King" by David Parkins.

The Undersigned

On staying ahead of the curve

Kyle Wyatt

Even the Ashtrays

The finer points of Ron Thom

Kelvin Browne

How Prodigal the Soul

Two writers on living here and there

Mobólúwajídìde D. Joseph

It’s Your Nickel

A supplemental argument

Kyle Wyatt

Of Fish and Foundry

Labour shall refresh itself with hope

Rod Mickleburgh

A Little Bit Deadly

They work their butts off

John Fraser

Mum’s the Word

Slices of writerly life

Rosemary Counter

An Old Refrain

The medic who went around in circles

Dylan Reid

His Response

George Elliott Clarke’s side of the story

Keith Garebian

It Will Come to Pass

Why we should go with the flow

Murray Campbell

The Present Begets the Past

From Montreal to Buenos Aires

John Baglow

Screen and Roll

Dribble like someone is watching

Pasha Malla

Artist as a Young Man

Remembering David Blackwood

David Macfarlane

Stories of a People

Saeed Teebi’s debut collection

Aaron Kreuter

Sleeper Hit

Suzette Mayr rides the rails

Marlo Alexandra Burks

Drawing Conclusions

Representing the tragedy of Lac-Mégantic

Christian Quesnel